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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 27, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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the spa. welcome back to this speciale edition of "hannity". >> unfortunately, that's ti thisrybodywe have evening. but before we go, i want to remind everybody that my"the book, the puppeteers, the puppeteers, the people who controuppeteerl the people t who control america. >> it's out. you're going to want to read i,u . and don't forget to check out my fox news audit myo podcast. l just type in jason and jason house wherever you listen to podcasts. >> great interviews. trey gowdy, mollie hemingway, intervandy mccarthy and more. >> but for now, stay tuned because gutfeld is coming up next. i'll have a wonderful christmas holiday. happy new year. gutfeld is up next. stay with usstay w w.
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happy tuesday, everyone.ho i >> i am tom shillue in for greg gutfeld, who i'm told is busy fighting extradition. >> so before we get to the n the news, i thought it might be appropriate to look at someeo of the new year's resolutions from some famous names and facees ands. for example, president joe biden. his new year's resolution. >> continue to cheat death. so hunter biden find that byt en left somewhere in the whitvee house. commander the dog eat more salads and fewer service agents. >> kamala harrise to resolveto to make resolutions for the new year because it's new and it's
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a year. right? i might add.>> stop laughing. that might hel i mp to the custodian who cleans the senate judiciary room. >> three words. here's more bleache wh. >> brian kilmeade i willtt continue to be the of greg's jokes. >>gr and finally, randiy rand weingarteni , add £40 to my benh press. nologu >> she'll make it okay oute. of the monologue. so i'm looking'm looki over tone headlines, trying to think of the perfect story to start the show. >> a massive migrant caravan heading to the us-mexico border is largest in over a year. the new york times turns itsedit editorial page over to hamasor. >> and aoc tweets merrychrist christmas. and by the waymas , wasn refu a palestinian refugee. >> eacgeh one more ridiculous ti than the next. and then there's this. a daily mail poll that voters te describe their 2024 choice betweeir
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n a trump second term and a biden second term as a choice between or nothing. but is it really that trump voters want? and is the biden presidencand id really about nothing? >> there may be no good things happening, but that doesn't mean nothing that doe is happening. there is a sense in our country that things have gone off the railils and even the liberas are noticing. i'm thinking of people like note martina t navratilova, realizing wokeness is killing women's sports. >> dave chappelle refusing to allow a few privileged groups to decide what he'shink allowed to think and say, or a celebrated liberal barry weiss, who's not so celebrated anymore. no celebratew she thinks and wrr herself. >> or bill maher. herhe keeps telling fellowslow liberals, hey, slow down. >> we're ruining everything, guys down, . rec >> look at this recent ranenty by ma. e yout >> and i have one piece of advice for the youth of america. don' t go to college. opening america's eyes to how higher educationhow becomea
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indoctrination into a stew of bad ideasstf . >> among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place binar where everyone is either an oppressor or d. g narn >> he went on to say things like, if ignorance is a disease, harvard yard is the wuhan market. to applause his liberal audience. >> like anyone who stays at a ke anyonn l six, when things ges bad, you have to wake up. >> so bill maher, like many other american liberals, has noticed american education and liberalism in general is about illiberal thing edus li quashing free speech qua and separating people intod based on their raceon and outlawing debate. ince but here's what i found mot interesting. his conclusions about elitestesy like harvard. >> sure, they occasionally turn out someone decent, but for every barack obama, there are two. >> josh hawley's the former debate team who had no friends, that nd o one likes today and yt
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somehow manages to win a statewid ae popularity contes? >> you see, they still quit their patron saint of cool barack obamak . don't th >> don't they understand everything that's bad about our country todang y? crumbling cities, an army of migrants crossing the border to, weaponization of our intelligence services. inteence sers taken over all corporate america. it's all a project of obam aa inc. remember him socializing medicine as obamacare? ociali it's if a guy living in a 30 million martha's vineyard hideout carezi wits about anythingf except making sure the help keeps his pool cleanan l, poo his spreading the wealth around. it's funny how much of it was spreadl to him and his friendss >> his international red line that vanished. >> and. gutfeld when the dinner check arriver s as jesse, his pivot to asia. well, china just told biden they're taking taiwa cn ot any day now. mitch mcconnell playing tan. eball pivots better tha
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>> there's an old saying that american politics is played between the 40 yard lines. baat was barack obamt'a. >> he took us into the left's end zone and the dems haven't left since. sorao end zo chaos you see arous on purpose. >> that's the leftists plan. aos is oyou want to make an omel you've got to break some eggs. >> you got to tear down societey . in ycan rebuild it in your image. that's always been how the left achievese that's let out.t enou enough murderers and people. will beg for the secret police. so may the democrats may lose in 2024 for all the wrong reasons. >> sure, biden is olde and incompetent, but it's the liberal policies themselvese that have hurt the country. even when obama ushered in his ideas with youthn a ushe , compc didn't matter. the policies still failed. ies edcalled biden's presidencya 2.0. it's likobama 2.e a tattoo on a. 81-year-old. sometimes horrible ideas worse over time. our i gallagher.
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he's like an eagle. patriotic ball, then attackshis people with his toenails and his now, you knonow yow tour starts in february. comedian jim nortoary,n. he knows overcoming like being a guest on this show. fox news contributor joey jones . he's so smart. s harvard's president refusemarts plagiarize him. campus reform. higher education fellowt nicholas nancy might be blond, but she won't get conned host of duluth chat. emily austin emily. plause]. all right joey, what do you think? >> this idea that liberals are now up.say, >> but then to hear bill maher say, oh, if we can onl only juse go back to obama, doesn't he realize what obam whaa right. >> that's why we're here. yeah. does he realize ithe's sti?
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he's still part of it, right? yeah. i don't trust any of them rninge are that are turning on biden right now because there are a lot of reasons to turn on biden. haveing to do with do with ideoe there are a lot of reasons turtle border and it's not safe for us to bet.he's t on hen he's the horse that kind of passes out and loses in turn to. two.can't gok toi mean i can't h to barack obama i can just hear him in my head right now sayinyg the war is over. we're going to leave afghanistan if you want your leganistan. legs yos you cp your legs. >> and, you know, none of those things none of those things were true. i don't need obama. we're getting obama territory right now. everyone, joe biden has employedeveryo joe bid worked in the obamaere no administration. they were not very good at it. sot very goot so they got a pro biden administration. >> there you go, emily. go.the do you see people waking up? like i said, we have a lott of of people on the left. of th i mentioned barry weiss, you know, kicked out of the "new york times"rk. >> she started her owng up operation. do you think they're waking up a or not? >> i think that there's like a small minority that's getting louder. but the majority i hope i really hop hope so majoritytol
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of the left seem to actually start to value lifuee. commo and anyone with the slightest bit of common sense is going to understan d the trajectory that the united states is going on. we're going to b be screwed if something doesn't change. >> we have four more years of whateveatever'sr going on rii we're all in big trouble. so i don't dople think enough people are waking up. but i hope that i'm wrong and i hope that by election time tha e don't allow america to keep going down this road because we'rica to k e all going to screwn i ourselves. >> nicholas, can i call you nick or how do you dcallo? incoming call recording. nick okay, i've been noticing this. obam thia worship from people wo i think are starting to wake up now. they call joe rogan right-wing. he's not right-wing. he's been a liberal. he's just like not bill maher. e and, you know, he's always seena many sides of the issue. but even he i want to put up pod this quote here. >> this is from his podcast. i notice he says he can'. ettas far get enough of obama, but as far as like a represented the united a states, who better than obama? he's the best of all time, the most educate bes ad and elot and even keeled.ev i mean, what is he talking
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about? does he does he not recognize the policies? because biden actuallycies?n acs obama 2.0. >> well, that's the thing. i mean, people loopele look at k at president biden and they'll make attacks. all his policies are horribl es are he. >> but it's the policies, no matter who you replace him with, those same policies, sta y effect. and the idea of wokeism has destroyed higher education desto and our society. it's extraordinarily destructive. i mean, i came before him.tabl we talked about these equitable grading systeme grads. what better way to achieve success than to drop all standards, have a a plagiarize or become the president of harvard universityizer bec and then says acceptable and justify it. sod see the failures of all is. people are starting to wake up. aro wak protests calling for for a against jews. >> people say maybe the movement's gone a little too far. it should have been when they were talking about genderso ideology to kindergartners and the anti-americanism that's been pumped in the university system. >> every bad idea has filtered ou intuniversit through the cols
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and we're seeing it real time, actually. did you hear about this that obama and we are seeing isd the scenes. >> he's pulling for courting fro you seem harvard. he wants her to keep keep the job. he's trying to convince the board to keep her.rying to if that is true, i don't know if it is, but why would he be doing that? you think that obamai don'know o he want to hold on to that when she's obviously, you know, whe? her has been severely damaged? >> it has. but our entire profession hasstn been damaged. if a fellow student for plagiarizing now, they could turnr around back.ent well, the harvard president plagiarized and nothing happened to her. well, my failingze and thid nos. is the embarrassment to our profession th as people that teacht te and are supposed to educate that it's not about educatioton anymore. it's about virtue signaling, it's about emotions, and it's about an s agenda to push. and that's the thing former president obama wants quite any day there to push an agenda. g ay thejim, i never know wherei you're going to come from. >> i was mentioning guys like that, like rogan doesn't seewana party. you know, he takes on each issue. chappelle's the same way. re pra you're probably the same way. what are your what would you say to the
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american people coming up for 2024? i think bill maher has changed. i don't think an maher hay these guys have changed. they're just reacting to a younger generation, whiceactingh is radical, the same as traditional conservatives don't embrac e all the far right ideology. traditional liberals don't embracideoe every insane thing that woke ideology says this stt is not new. i don't think obama started it. he definitely pushed iefinitelta >> but i mean, you look back to when clinton was president and he said, yeah, i believ and hed yee political correctnes . they started the languag starte policing 30 years ago and then 1988, nobody came to dice's rescue when he got in trouble for saying dirty words. the comediancame ts been telling you this for over 30 years, and now that it's happeninwogw more and more, every group that's being affected is going, oh my god, how coulditd more thw could they allow this in in girls sports? and how could they allowed it? but nobodycould th a cared whats 30 years ago and guys were getting in trouble for for jokes. so this starteagere ford a lone ago, it hasn't changed. it has just gottenha progressively worssn't ce. obaa wat i don't even fault obama for it. i mean, this was long before him and this started. yeahs long bef , i guess i could say that.ey,
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you know, i said most of the troubles in this country, joeyds ,to do with obama policies, but that's just in the modern world. i don' .t think he's a particularly more evil than any other politician. he's just been more effective. >> he came out of that chicago school of politics and, you knowicag, he was a communiti organizer. >> people used to make fun of that. i'll never forget when sarah palizer. that.i'll nevn made fun of him saying, oh, i have a real job. >> he was a community organizer. community organizelin saida rean job, and it has more of a effect on this country than >>e. a jobm realizd an if you look where i live, a community organizer is a of a job. i meano go, you got to go ten miles, find somebody to organize. organize.n, i've always respected that. but listen, you want to see what this is in effect in today's world. look at gavin newsom. i california's an absolute mess. there's nothing about him i particularly liki ike. rachel but if i hos'st "fox and friends", rachel is going to say, oh, you know , ifk he comes across charismatic, that's what people think. yeah. then who careso care, you know, that he's ruined the best piece of land we've ever had. california doesn't matter. he's somehow charismatic. that was barack obama.
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and that is what i think gavin housom wants to do, is ride charisma into the white house the way that obama did it. okay. beforea diit. we go. see >> a quick reminder. you can come see my live solo show, spontaneouy lives combust. oh, look at that picture. i'll be in albany, syracuse, stamford, connecticu comt, hartford, boston and providence go to tom schuler .com for tickets and inford and up nextux yeah go ahead give me a little love that i likrighe right this year dodging insults and lies nex pages his reply iff you'll be in the new york areael i would like tickets to seeon gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to joithe n our audience. pilots are a breed all around are laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. not ever makes it through here. we want to go out. we want to succeed. you must prove what you're capable of under the most extreme conditions, one or
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stellar 2023 when careens car at her best factsat get suppressed? white house press secretary karine jean-pierre had plenty of memorable moments from this year from clashing with reporters to offering insigh witt. >> the president's thinking all done in her own signature styl ie. e and by signature style, i mean not answering questions while an overng the same and over. >> president biden wens whtto his house in wilmington. what was he doing in there? i woul hismington.d refer you t house counsel. so it was something relating to this case. i woul d refer you to the whitesel's house counsel's office, and i would refer you to the white >> i. counsel's officeof i would refer you to the white house counsel's office, and i would refer you to the white house counsel'ce. i would ts. >> i would refer to the white house counsel's office. that phrase will sure come in handy durine in g. augh >> impeachment. he also taught us that sometimes you should try emphasizing a different syllable, especially considerin g the president>> the is doing everything he can. >> the president has done e everything that he can. the president is doing everything that he can. he is doing everything. is doin. we will do everything that we
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can. nodon't have a policy on that. but i know to tell you now, as i've saying, we are doing everything that we can possibly. we're going to continue to do everything that we can. y and everything that he can does not include eventually finding his way ofoff, the stage.n but hey, when in doubt, always t remember to trust the process. >> thi as is an ongoing process under the review of the department of justice. >> we're going to respect process anngs and we're justnue going to allow the process to continue process, processces the process and let the process continue. it's an ongoing process. i am genuinely >>m saying to you there is an ongoing process. this is all part of the justic e department process as part of that process, as i said, >>because sre was a proces of justice throughout this process and we just laid out the process that was taken and that taken. is the processt the process? >> i think that's what the whay said about lobotomies, jim. for someone whose job it is to answer questions like karine jean-pierr e, she's not veryf
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good at answering questions issue. >> you know, this joanswerinb at doesn't matter me who's president. >> this is the worst job. t answerinyour job is to stand t of the entire free world and defend pathological liar. >> you have to. you have to explain every stupid. n yo they do every stupid thing. i mean, imagine i was mike mccarth-- miky was clintons like, you imagine having that gig. yet the government explainedng the to people. >> the phone rang. he just put the cigar down like to have to explaindown what thet guys are doing. so i think that she's might irritating her. her method might be irritating, but i thin bk to have to defend this doddering idiot is a very, very job. and anyone who's who's going to be white, the whiteecause house press secretary under biden is you have a very difficult time because you just kind of mopejust s around. so i don't envy her at all. it's a terrible job. yeah. i thwas th lase last one? jen psaki. right. could you do this? i think you could do this job, emily. could doy i was about to compley disagree with you. i think this is the best jobo glam u ever. this girl gets a glam up sit fron and repeat merap
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the same phrases over and over again. i don't know whose job i'm morif jealous of. kamala job was to literally smile and wave. my favorite thing to doom: an and cackle for and cackle, which is i'm good at that. soly: i' or just sit in front of entire world and just lie through teeth. >> but she's not even being creative with it. she's not even tryineth.g to america. she is looking you in your eyeso and she justu in of two things,e added, just repeats the same phrase as we saw o sr my personl favorite. >> she flips that, you know, reverse card and she askfavorits you to answer the question that you just asked her. >> yeah, but my favorite just g i'm just going to stick it in there is when she said, are you ready for this i. this, biden has the best bordere be policy america has ever seen. so she's not only a great liar apparently she thinks she's a good actress, but she hasn't shg. up a le go ahead.d heapplauy, obviously she's not s to her job. >> who do you think was better, her orot pataki?or >> well, i kind of miss jen psaki back. bac
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yeah. all right. she wants to circle back and back because she would always circle back, evek n though she y never did. yeah, but you didn't show any clips of cringe walking in, like, the thousand pound binder? yeah. wher we the answer is in in the talking points in that binder. then she'll just rol wherel hers and get mad and actually give the reporters an attitude. >>binder s wil however, when shw wonder of the white house we were just talkin theg about.t s >> that's what she is. let's be honest. shlet's e is not competent for s position. she comes out there, she get s relatively few tough questions, except for maybe peter doocy, k simon atiba and a handful of others. and she doesn't like to answer those tough questions, which is the press secretaries role. they're supposed secre to spin things. i get that. but it shows and what thist a perfect example of why you don't hire people based on e certain characteristics outside of competency. >> she is the epitome of a d-i e hire. >> okay, but let's be honest. the binderpitomef' know is full of biden's doodles throughout the day.
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it was nothing serious. odles. >> well, that makes it evenshe worse. she's got the binder full of answers, and yet she's repeatinhas thnder fg thee over and over. joey, the do you even think that we need this kind of position anymore. >> you know, i mean, when your job is when you're doing a job that you're following kayleigh mcenanye fo, you're not going to look great doing it. >> i know. i work at fox, right? like you're she's brillian t fot te she's really good at what she does when she comes out with the binder. it's full of gotch out wita responses and no one likes it. >> i havrespone pityse this wome though. she is a press secretary for president. she hassecretary presids a boss.boss that boss is the president. the president has a bossat's. >> that's the easter bunny, right? >>d so this man needs an easter bunny to help him get around to tell him what's goingn ne. ta and easter bunny spend their time dealing with kids and hoarding eggh kidss and so they they have to talk a little short sentences and say it over and over again. t and when you're working for a guy that's giving that kind of direction, she's just repeating what she hears. >> maybe the easter bunny should be the press secretary. look at her face. >> look at her.e she's winking at she's telling
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us, what do you want me to says . >> i mean, she knows that she is in a helpless position doing and that's two months away from doing an adult diaper commercial . her >> what do you want her to say about it? if we had her phone every day, it's googledy,. >> can can a press secretary perjure themselves every day? every day? yeah day, i this thing is a bit antiquated. now we have youtube. i'm telling you, iantiquf trumps back in office. >> he should do away with this whole theater. and every night he should put his iphone on the desk in the oval office and he shoulevery dd give us an update and go to th straight to the people. i don't think i'm supposed to say that because i knowe that people the news business love that press room because it makes headlines anyway e ne. el >> next, the panel takes shots at trudeau airlines and botsat t
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from prime minister justin trudeau tampons are now available in men's bathrooms at the canadian parliament. the rule requires that federal workplaces offer free menstrua l products in all bathrooms, regardless of the gender markel' on the door. >> there's plenty of reasons canadian men coulds ty of re use to plug maple trees untilpons the waffles are done or the stuff in their ears. when alanis morissette stuff ths too canadian jokes, they're all right. >> look, joey, would you next mr cana visit the canadian parliament would you can you make use a tampon in.t to you know, i went to northernin maine and i chose not to go into canada becaustonada bece. i didn't want that sticky stuff that, you know, me, you know, not the not the maple sirup, . but liberal politics. and so, listen, i love my inliba canada. >> i wouldn't make a deal with him. you can put tampon.s in my
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bathroom if you'll do something that stops able bodied getting people from getting into the handicapped stall. >> because every time i go in there , i those arms to gett back up you should see the top a twister. i have to do. stand up from a toilet with no rails on the side to help me outm . ar and so, you know, maybe take se, the common senseans peop stuff first. >> i don't know. i mean, you know, the trans people need their d their tampo, i guess. >> yeah, i never thought >> ife i'llause occasionally there's no one in there, i'll te go into the handicapped stall because there's a lot of room in there. right. but if i ever saw. yeahright? but, yeah, a lot of a in there. she'know whyh, a don't people he a wheelchair and they to get in there and donuts and entertain themselves before they go. ohes i, don't know. you tell me, john, if you. i mean, that's okay emily. this >> what do you think of this rule? ohrule?. god.da's p okay, i'm just so glad.ri i always say canada's priorities are sreo on line wheo they're not taking care of your handicapped needs. but men who are menstruatinget get, their tampons, how lucky
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are they? all i know is ifneed taxpaying dollars were going towards funding tampons for, i would be in jail for tax evasion and for legal purposes. of coursr mei e that's a joke. but the point being, it's just withessed up s. there are so many things wrongs with canada, and this is where taxp're choosing to investwher taxpayers dollars.. and last but not least, cory, you know, mayb note a minute and realize if you're getting your period to the point that you need to actually use a we son, not just for symbolic purposes have one, can you just start to agree that you're a woma an, go to the women'sa tp restroom and go get a tampon there. and all of us should a be you have more tax money now to spend on helping joey. there you go, nick, you're a professor. >> could you explain how man might need a tampons? >> no, you can't make sense of the census. and maybe when we look at ths ee trudeau, you got the world burning. people's lives are getting more difficult. but he's bur got the solution. tampons in men's bathroom. however, i.
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i hate to break it to you.o to if you go down to the botanical gardens in washington, d.c., gone to the men's bathroom, there'll be a sign saying tampons are availabl the menooen men at the front desk. >> so what if i go in there because i'll identify for 2 minutes as a man, take all the tampons and give it back to my front. ma >> well, this that's the idea of it. i mean, whend take we look at i. >> monty python did a skit,he the life of brian over 40 yearsd ago when brian wanted to be stic on satire wasid today. that would be a documentary. that's interestingasedn satire. >> things have become. jim. well, you require venues hosting shows to provide tampons for all. >> i really would. yes. fori think what's important al is what's in the men's room dispensary. i really get upset. how many strip clubs do when you walk in? they have breath mints, colognte and like the height of optimism, it doesn't matterus . it doesn't matter what the dispensary, like the trudeau, always does seem to do. >> the thing that is mosu thinl there's just something about him. he's like the gavin newsom of canade via. h, h >> yeah, like, whatever. whatever angle is going to make
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you go, oh, he just alwayst an that angle. so this doesn't bother me, but he's just an irritating g. >> look, next up, go ahead. next up, spirit airlines has apologized for inadvertently causing scene reminiscent of home alone to last week. the company accidentally put an unaccompanied six-year-old child on the wrong plane. plane the kid was supposed to be headed to fort myers but ended up in orlandas suppo bo the kids parents. didn't know that. spirit airlines charges an extra. >> if you want to be sentu want to the right city, joey, is it any surprise that this home alone situatio surprn would hapn during the holiday season? >> all i know is if trump were >>t and met him theree when he got off and given direction justan in the so i'm not going to beat up on spirit too much spi. i just hope they never ask me to fly the plane because i think you need feet to doork, that. >> yeah, you know, but that would that would work. that kid the they make the movie think they get to let the kid fly the plane, right? first of all, i blam>> jimlle t check your tickets before
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the plane takes ofplane f. if you pack your bags, you get to the airport and you wind up getting on wrong plate. it's completely your fault. i don't fault the airline as a bad boy. and he's i fault him.never th >> no, you know, i never thought of that. emily, this. do you think it wass inadvertent? i mean, some kids, they can be precocious. he might have got on the wrong plane on purpose because you wanted to mess with everybodymight wrong . proy the kid is six. he was probably a little scared. yes, iared. t is i am alabama for various. this h >> yeah.eae no, i mean honestly though when i saw this headline, i was like expec, what they expect? you i mean, it's spirit. have you ever heard anything eve with a headline with spirit airlines in it? >> there was something remotely positive thing at this point, ther at checkout, i'm going to start reading. has toe waiver that you sign your life away. at this point, it justd people can't that they're always messing up, but people are still returning to them. they're eitherare strning. real or they just don't value their life. i can'eilifet. >> >> who would still flex for it? i think it's just very cheap, right? the tickets are cheap, nick, but they're always messing up. t
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nick think about what they got for their cheap airlin>> ne hirt a six year old, got a great adventure out of it and he's probably going to get some hollywoodan deal, you know, s like a movie out of it. >> sr o for the price of a planl ticket, could be a pretty good deal by cash. yeahk . >> yeah. in fact, i think they offered him a hundred and 50 bucks. so. okay, last topic, tesla hasar ts unveiled the lateslat of itsersn optimus robot, which is lighter, faster and more capablf boe than its predecesso. apparently it's designed to assist people in various domain itss as manufacturing, construction, health care and entertainmen t and it's 42% more productive than the previous version of the robot. yeah, but that's the whole reason. i wanted to do that story. joey, what do you think of thijs ? >> the thing is, guys like elon musk, he keeps warningto about a.i., but he's doing a lot to accelerate --e our. all right, i can see what you're doing with your
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legs there. yeah. lien the nex know,inng they're going to have him tell telling bad jokes on gutfeld. that's what it is, right? they're trying to replace me. i get it. i'll see how it is. yeah, they can. they can carrythat's w cr >> they will feel bad jokesry next week. and i don't have a job anymore. this is the world no person be more than 40% robot? >> nobody. til yo >> it's all fun and games so you get catfished on your dateue by a robot. that's going to be the new trend you're going to start to see. i promise you. woulwould u be wild you be wille robots as part of your everyday life? >> emily n >> emio. think it's so scary.s as like all jokes aside for a minute, they're going to startnt humans. see i we've seen what it's capable of and now going to have theserm robots that are made by genius elon musk, they're going to replace society. and quite frankly, i don't blame him for wanting to do that. but it is scary to us fellowd nr >> or at least. yeah. rock, do you thinkr the robotus are going to eventually turn on us, like in a bad fi movie? well, every sci-fi movie has
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shown that it never works out nr well for human beings when it comes to hey, i am robot w s. i'm l as a matter of fact, i was like, i get this segment. what am i going to talk about hereg ? and then all of a sudden, an hour later, a headline spits out a tesla of robot attacks. an engineer accompanies texas factory violent malfunction leaving a trail of blood. >> i'm like, oh, wow. so, yes, i do believe and veryt for human beings. >> yeah. you know, but jim, i bet that that employeeempl taunted the robot. >> i'm sure he did. >>ey walk is the wrong pronoun . they walk weird. they have the that'se that why they're crypto because i think the thing with with with with robots is the idea of a robot is why do they have to look human? like, i don't understand why they're making them human.n. >> they know exactly why. what i just said, the , the idea. i'm looking very much forward t. a robo
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they're getting there more and more and more. oh, you know, i'll save myself the bundle on socks. >> yea ore. h. >> coming up, at what age do t you start to wonder how long until you're six feet under? what if we lived to 100? i don't want to outlive our money. i keep eating all these chia seeds. >> i could live to be 100. we work with empower. >> even if we do live to 100, we don't have to worry. not worry. >> take control of your financial future to empower what's next. >> television's number one new comedy is back again. that's my baby. that's my baby. i love to serve the people is the people. the wa now more than ever. a new season of night court. >> israel is under attack. the war against israel began the war against israel began with the murder of hundredsng. of precious children in this
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the elderly and families the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelter .is this would be an incredibly important time for all of important time for all of the friend fellowship of christians fellowship of christians and jews to stane of in israel let them know that we are not only praying for have us the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest, and acting in their interest, because we believe that's what god would have us bef >> i simplory can't stress enoui the urgency of this situation. tymore dire than ever before.sai thisng is your d moment. this is your opportunity hope to maktoe a life saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan or visit our website . >> now to make your lifesaving donation. good is definitely been a very dominant voice in my head, but that's not the main focus anymore.
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award winning team with five doctor lawyers. the most of any firm in the united states. and that's why the new york times calls client inspector a powerhouse law. so if a defective product, motor vehicle or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury, call cline inspector, how oftenn should you think about yourself in a coffin? turns out most people start. thinking about their death at age 51. >> in some cases, though, it happens at 151.ding >> that' ts according to a new survey of 2000 adults, which highlights your fifties are often by major life events like the loss of a loved one and personal health scares. these stressful milestones, coupled with the progression coup progrr aging, lead many the 50 year olds to the same realizatione , man, i'm going to die too. >> happy holidays, by the wa, bi >> in fact, 80% of people
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start thinking about their own mortality as they attendse more funerals. there are those, of course, who to take the hint. >> likewise, attending you norton show will make wish you were dead, right? >> wel dead.l i hope you come b. >> however, going to a rolling stone show will make you wonder whether there really a rollin ia a thing as death at all. eternally youthful. >> jim. look, the.y ow >> i think of my own death. we have a memento mori. ur >> that is a phrase we catholics use. it means you're supposed yobout about own death throughout your life. >> yeah. i think that people think abdeath n, maybe more literally when you're 51, when your whole life . you're thinking about your own death. it's why you're taught as a kid to behave yourself se yourseo. when you die, you don't go to. like you're obsessed with yourtn your entire life. >> i just think as you
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get older, you start to look at allk get the financials like i want every single dollar i have to be spent on my funeral. i want my wife to be destitute after like i'm ay single guy. i deserve a nice send off. but we're all obsessed th with own. you're obsessed your whole life. i think the older you get, the more you starte r yoe more k at how is this going to be? die to diew who who's right before me? >> who's going to die right after me? yeah. : e laugemily you were laughingh you are you planning your funeral? do you have a vision of whatav >> it's going to be like. yeah. i mean, maybe i'm, like, sick in the head, but i've been planning i've beening mine since i was a to comprehend what death was. because when i foundab what funerals were, i was like, oh, my god. yeah, let me plan it like it's a birthday. so i actually haveral walike a here's who i have who's not invitei d to my funeral list for a while, actually. so anyone who's ever been funeht talking almack about me is not a lot of my funeral. anyone who pretended, ohlo emily was my friend in high school, i had no friends in high school. you're not invited to my nods il you'l. funera and last but not least, people on instagram who dm
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you about something you posted some. inviteent on your post you're not invited to my funeral either because you're fake af and that's like a listd ause you'r i'vfake af eg about since i was a child. >> wow, that's that's gen z for: as i wondered what that af was. >> thank you, joey. something tells me that you [bley. ly: thated mortalit and you know, one particularan s instance amongomethi all of thi, is this a reference to me not having legs? >> i feel like that's really dominate>> joey:this ad the sho. >> i didn't want that to be thet case. it wasonight i d 51 isid an asth to start thinkingthinki about mortality. and i think that really speaks i don't know if this is average mo, the u.s..the u. i would hopes. that it is becauo 51 is is a good number to aspire to in some places thet as human beings. for most of time we've beeimnhi on this world. 51 was old age. yeah, you know, only in a fewd hundred yearyears s we've been e to live as long as we do and be th have joe biden's there just like we have it. >> but alive mostleravocy. n
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and so, you know, the fact imaf0 you didn't make it, if the average person makes it into their fifties, i started thinking about my mortality at 24 years old when i got blown up. but it really hit me when i started having kid t it reas, you know, like, what will i bet here for and what will i be here for? anwon't bed i don't know if eves waiting till the 50s do that, but, you know, sometimes that doesn't t work aftermight a certain age. so, you know, not want to want to start having kids thinkwaartn about your mortality, but do them in a great way. >> dying is beautifuat.l becaus it shows you your days are limited. >> and to make something out of all of theme someth , i mean, it's a reminder every single day for me. every time i lose something, i lost my legs. well, i never have those again. you know, that's that's mortality. ayou know. >> so, you know, my hair is kind of it's getting ordinary, you knownery, i'. you know, i'll never have that part again, you know? and it's like, that's mortality . nick.ould i think it could be a good thing. and it's good th proven that people,th as they get older, they stop with the worryin theg, the anxis that they have in their younger years. and it's probably because they're approaching deatoaching eehichola and they they see they've done what they have to do. >> well, i can relate what the happeneds:e with .
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that's for her. as far as going after joey, p wh the whole like thing might seem superficial. you wake up with a pai in yournrk out you're like, is this the one? you know, it doesn't really work out that way. but i think you're right. i dok think that once con you confront and understand that you are irstandn mortal bo. being, you can actually be happier. >> you can livn live youe your knowing that time is precious, time is short and enjojoy y. and there are studies that show that your golden years, it hands to b golden e when peoplem to be the happiest right now asas far the younger generation, most of them are miserable. and why are theyt of thee ? well, because they they look at all the superficial b.s. they wersuperfice told.e. stuff makes them happy in life. they have more stuff than else at previous generations. and it turns out it's not stuf f relationships. that's the most important thing. knowing mortalithat'y, strengthn the relationships. >> and i think what children is the moswith chi most importa. >> you realize you're mortal once you have those children. yeah. panel,u have t you guys are wis. >> a nice job.
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yeah. up next, a governor pandered with singing job. that wasor substandard television. number one new comedy is back again that night. could the l.a. times raves? i live to serve the people you the big night for it has all the original essence, rhythms, humor, gestalt, and that word. feel free to dive in time. the waters a new season of night court. >> check your local listings. all right. go ahead and open your eyes. oh, you're looking at £7. is this, what, £7 feels right now? >> you can lose up to £7 in your first seven days with nutrisystem. new seven in seven? that's what i was carrying around. think about losing this because
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>> tonight's grinch theater comes to us from colorado. come governor jared polis on christmas eve. this the centennial state'soste tubby governor posted a cringe inducing of feliz navidad. either that or he's having a massive stroke, maybe both. >> roll it. least retired police now realize feliz navidad was bad. >> all i know if you say bad. so many questions. who thought this was a goo wdas idea? hi why is there no music?y on how is this gulyy only 48 years old. and why does it look like he's milking cows? yeah >> yeah, that's the.ow i don't. w yo >> jim, i know you've probably never done anything this embarrassing on videotape, right? >> no, i have not. and i appreciaterino you saying milking cows because i thought there were two men missing from this videoauseught.
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it's what we've been doing, joey. i mean, , was he does he think this is going to play with the voters? ra actuall they has a very high approval rating. >> so i heard from jessica tarlov. you can probably appreciatccorde a lonot a man who dances. i have a lot of pep in my steppr or hop my. and so i have no idea.i resp i respect the fact.d it would scare me to death fro to sing and dance in front of people. i willnt opeop. you an opinionu on the most divisive issue out there and not think twice about it to sing and danceisiv in front of people. that's scary. so i've got respect for him on that i always get respect. >> nick we got a migrant crisist in thio sis. he's got a lot of people coming across the border and coming to his state. er ando did he think this was k, you know, funny? is the jok joke about migrantw u situation? >> i don't know. but the left gets uptight about cultural appropriation. so that's cultural i mean, listen, i don't understandis politicians why they they do these dumb, embarrassing things. it's not polit going to win youu
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any voters. just be yourself and stovep trying to pretend that's cringeworthy, to watch it justtd now. >> emily, were you cringed as a >>ther, what is your thing>> to >> are you see orz you're seeing? fortunately. yeah, i was cringingun. , no, seriously. okay. ff alfirst of all, f production, where was the background music? like. they invested zero timeis and energy into this. b this i think, was supposed to be maracas. so let me. what about my famous line? oh, you're right. no, you are right. that's insightful. i didn't know what you guys did. that. >>, lord, i'd never have a job ever again unless fo er fox. but what if.ef what if we pull a left on himl e and now cancel him for cultural appropriation, and then we'll give him a taste his own medicine? >> because he won't be so pleased when his city and state is overrun by illegal immigrants. >> homelessness and crime. yerants. wa we'll teach him a lesson. what is that, merry? he's very happy. yeah. yeah i figured that one out. bue >> but the left doesn't
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get canceled. we see recording right? >> yeah. should we just stop it?ca should politicians stop trying to be cute like this? that ever make you more popular? don't you want your politicians to just get the job done? >> bill de blasio thinks this guy's a . that's how bad it is. >> i love when they do it. d i love when they do it because it embarrasses theecausem and in shows how how naked and awful they really are. so i lov e and they embarrass themselves like this. >> fantastic. don't go away. we will be right bac k. >> do you think less of me because i was married him for years? your fiance, he got me off out. trey got me out of the ticket. i like you, jim. you know, you took some getting used to, though, do you? so did you go out again? so did you. and jim made supper. you are a great ex-husband. i am sure you don't want to eat dinner with us. look, i've got extended family . check your local listings. let'ets holis beginning to lookt
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